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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 2, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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>> they were not life threatening. they were very insignificant. they did not require any sutures to be applied. so i would refer to them insignificant injuries. >> reporter: on cross-examination, the defense attorney implied she owed her job to the special prosecutor in the zimmerman case. and then walked her back from
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defendant's head consistent with repeatedly having been slammed into a concrete surface? >> no. >> why not >> because the injuries are so minor, that to me the word "slam" implies great force. and this -- the resulting injuries are not great force. >> what type and extent of injuries would you expect to see if the defendant's head had been repeatedly slammed into a concrete surface? >> if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, i
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slamming, your common understanding of slamming, are the injuries to the back of the defendant's head consistent with having been repeatedly slammed
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book about the case. >> you wrote a book where you quoted what the defendant, george zimmerman, told you, correct? >> correct. >> and you recall in that book writing, do you have a problem with that, that's what he said trayvon martin said? >> right. correct. >> reporter: in that book, he says zimmerman said martin tried to reach for the weapon on his hip, actually touching the gun. >> the defendant is claiming that the victim actually grabbed the gun, grabbed the -- >> that was my understanding, that he grabbed the gun. >> reporter: but a latent print technician found no trace of martin's prints but conceded rain could have washed it away. >> so fingerprints may have exited on an item that you have lift a latent from and there be no latents whatsoever, correct? >> correct. >> even though it's been handled by two or three people? >> that's correct. >> reporter: osterman wrote that zimmerman held down his hands, fearing he might be still be a threat, but the teen's hands were underneath his body.
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>> you call that being underneath his body? >> yes, sir. >> could someone say that was inconsistent? >> yes. >> reporter: the jury being told the ignore a key moment of monday's testimony. that moment, when the defense attorney got the stanford police department's lead investigator to say he believed zimmerman told him the truth. martin savidge, cnn, florida. >> we're going to speak with mark o'mara later on in the program, as well as a attorney for trayvon martin's family. as always, we have the best legal team around and a forensic scientist here. and former federal prosecutor sunny hostin, jeffrey toobin. danny savalos and mark geragos are all here.
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we heard from the medical examiner, saying that zimmerman's wounds were not significant. do you agree? >> i don't. first of all, you can bet on the fact that the defense will have a medical examiner that will contradict everything that we heard today. yes, these wounds appear to be superficial. that does not mean that george zimmerman was not in fear for his life. and further more, although wounds can appear to be superficial, there can be a great deal of serious, underlying trauma. for example, subdural hematoma can result in death. >> so somebody can have their head slammed and have just that little laceration? >> yes. >> zimmerman said several times he was slammed repeatedly. i want to listen to more of what
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the medical examiner said today. >> doctor, using your definition of slamming, your common understanding of slamming, are the injuries to the back of the defendant's head consistent with repeatedly having been slammed into a concrete surface? >> no. >> why not >> because the injuries are so minor, that to me the word "slam" implies great force. and this -- the resulting injuries are not great force. >> what type and extent of injuries would you expect to see if the defendant's head had been repeatedly slammed into a concrete surface? >> if somebody's head is repeatedly slammed against concrete with great force, i would expect lacerations, i would expect a lot of injury that would necessitate suturing. so i don't see that in this picture.
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>> mark, what do you make of her testimony? and does it matter as long as george zimmerman felt his life was in danger or he believed he i would bet that there's never on twitter who follow "ac 360," i would bet that there's never been anybody that she's treated who was -- who needed her help. i think she, if anything, was a disaster for the prosecution. the idea that she thinks that three slams on the head against a concrete curb couldn't do damage to you, i just think it's laughable. i don't understand what she's talking about. i've had cases, i have defended within the last 24 months murder cases where my client was
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who hit the concrete curb one with murder. worst defense expert that you would get, and somehow the prosecution thinks this is helpful? only in sunny's world would this be helpful. >> sunny, you think this was helpful for the prosecution? >> of course it was helpful.
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>> of course it was helpful. i've got to tell you, i just don't know which trial mark, my friend, is watching. zimmerman to have used deadly force, the standard is reasonable. there was no great bodily injury. show you the pictures of george just the pictures. it's his reaction.
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>> sunny, sunny, then you're t 0
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whatever you think of george zimmerman's guilt or innocence, you can't help but notice the anguish on trayvon martin's parents. they have to trust that prosecutors are doing the best job they can. it hasn't been easy for the family and can't be easy for the lawyers, watching the state seem to struggle with the witnesses and perhaps with the case itself. i spoke it over with martin family attorney jasmine rand. how do you think the prosecution has done so far? i've talked to a lot of analysts who think they are having a tough time proving second degree murder at there point. >> i think the prosecution has done exceptionally well in this case. from the beginning, they told us they were going to show zimmerman's tangled web of lies. that's exactly what we're seeing
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unfold before us now. the detective walls a very strong witness for the case, and he started to unfold some of zimmerman's inconsistencies. >> i don't know anybody, though, who thinks detective serino was a strong witness for the prosecution. just about everybody discussing this case has said that they have never seen a police officer testify so favorably for the defense. a police officer that's been called by the prosecution. >> i think what we also have to remember is that detective serino, whether or not this information gets to the jury, it's important for the american people to know that he recommended manslaughter charges for george zimmerman. >> what does that tell you? >> there were a lot of inconsistencies in george zimmerman's story and he did not find george zimmerman's version of what happened credible. and we've heard him say that today. and we have to remember that we can't consider his statement and testimony in a vacuum. we have to compare it with what we hear the other witnesses say to uncover george zimmerman's inconsistencies.
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>> the fact that he himself did not think that a second degree murder charge was warranted, doesn't that also tell you that given his look at the evidence, he actually thought that, as he's testified on the stand, that zimmerman was pretty credible in the things he said, that his story actually held up? >> no, not at all. because he said he was also in the initial stages of his investigation and it was pointed out today that detective serino had not considered all the evidence that the state attorney's office has considered. >> trayvon martin's parents have been to court every day, sometimes been quite emotional. how are they doing at this point? are they confident with the prosecution's case thus far? >> they're confident with the prosecution's case. it's been very emotionally toiling time for them. i think to have to hear their son crying for help repeatedly, that's a different kind of pain. hearing your child scream for help and not be able to help
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him. >> i want to go back to the police officer's testimony. there was a lot of talk yesterday, even some suggestion that perhaps their testimony, because it was in a lot of people's opinions, clearly not yours, but so favorable to the defense that this was payback for difficulties between law enforcement and the prosecution. >> i didn't perceive it that way. i think that's all speculation. i think we are going to see the prosecution bring the tangled web of lies home during the closing. >> but you talk about a tangled web of lies, but that's not what the police themselves were saying, the police who investigated this. in cross-examination by mark o'mara, it seemed pretty clear that the police officers felt like george zimmerman's statements basically held up. there were a few minor inconsistencies he said that trayvon martin came out of the bushes, the location of trayvon martin's hands, et cetera. but overall, the police seemed
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relatively satisfied with what george zimmerman told them time and time again. >> i think that these were not minor inconsistencies. some of the big ones were george zimmerman claiming he was so severely injured that he had to pull out a gun and kill trayvon. that's not what we heard from detective serino. he said he didn't believe george zimmerman was punched 25 or 30 times. we heard the medical examiner say george zimmerman's injuries are not consistent with somebody punched over a dozen times, but only punched once. and had his head hit on the concrete only one time, as well. >> jasmine rand, thank you. >> thank you. >> she was an attorney for trayvon martin's family. now the other side. mark o'mara joins us and spoke with me earlier tonight. mark, this morning judge nelson threw out an exchange between you and the lead investigator,
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chris serino, that took place yesterday in court and i want to play that for the viewers. >> if we were to take pathological liar off the table as a possibility just for the purposes of this next question, do you think he was telling the truth? >> yes. >> how important was that answer to your case? >> well, you know, i respect the judge's ruling, but i think that a chief investigating officer in a case, when he has to determine credibility to witnesses, including the suspect, i think he should be able to give insight as to what he thinks when he's doing his investigation. but it was sort of a comment on the credibility of another witness, and we have a rule that addresses that. >> i talked to an attorney for the martin family who said they were pleased with the testimony given by the lead investigator. but every other analyst that i have talked to, former prosecutors, defense attorneys, they say they've never seen police officers testifying so favorably for a defense witness. are you pleased with how the
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cross-examination has gone, with what the police, particularly the lead investigator have told you? >> we're very happy about most of the witnesses we have talked about told the truth. if they told the truth and it's favorable to the defense, so be it. as long as they're telling the truth, we'll find justice at the end of the trial. i'm surprised that the martin family attorneys would think that chris serino's testimony was somewhat favorable to the prosecution, because it truly seemed as though most of what he was saying supported self-defense. >> tomorrow morning, judge nelson is expected to rule on whether or not george zimmerman's criminal course work, in particular florida's stand your ground law, if it can be add misible. i know you don't think it should believe. why not? >> if they start bringing journal's past into the table, it brings what trayvon martin brings to the table, all of his violent acting we know about and some of the fighting he was involved in.
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if that's not going to be on the table, i think what george has done in the past shouldn't be on the table, as well. they're suggesting that george heard something about stand your ground in some course work and have no idea whether or not he was present in class. he didn't get a great grade in the course either. it was textbook that had information with nothing to do with florida law. >> there have been inconsistencies in statements that george zimmerman has given. he talked about trayvon martin coming out of bushes, the positioning of trayvon martin's hands have been raised. to you, are those inconsequential? >> whether or not he came out of the bushes or darkness, i don't think that somebody who went through a traumatic event is going to be expected to remember everything the best he can. so i'm not worried about that type of inconsistency. the idea that george held his hands out for ten seconds is quite significant. i think the medical examiners
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will talk about it, that trayvon martin easily just brought his hands back in. even john good suggested that trayvon martin was clutching his hands. why would george make something like that up in the second that he had to do it? it makes much more sense that it happened. >> it seems the trial is moving fairly quickly. is the time line going faster than you expected or about what you expected it to be? >> it's faster than i expected. i think the state may be done tomorrow or friday. that means we'll start here friday or monday and we'll probably take most of next week. maybe not. there are still some decisions the court has to make about the admissibility of certain evidence. if that's allowed, that could extend the testimony by two or three days. >> how is your client feeling? can you say? >> he's still very afraid. the state of florida is trying to take away his liberty and put him in prison the rest of his
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life. he's very worried and stressed. he's glad he has his day in court. but this is very real to everyone, most importantly george zimmerman. we have the state of florida suggesting that he killed trayvon martin in some ill will and hatred when the evidence supports self-defense. >> because of these audio and videotapes of your client talking to police, he's been able to essentially give his version of events without being cross examined. you cannot see at this point putting george zimmerman on the stand, can you? >> i always make that decision -- the first decision point is whether or not i believe the state has proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt. if i think they have, then i make the consideration whether or not to put any client on the stand. i make that dynamically. i've not gotten to the point where i have convinced myself where the state has done what they need to do to get to a jury. if they come up with something in the next day or two, i may revisit that decision. >> at this point, do you see having to mount a lengthy defense here? >> we have a lot of witnesses that we want to present to the
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jury to let -- to counter some of the things put out there by the state. so we're going to put on a case. >> mark o'mara, thank you. for more on the story, go to up next, we'll see what prosecutors may be hoping to prove about zimmerman's use of that particular weapon. and we remember the hero firefighters who gave their lives protecting the people of arizona, including two cousins who perished while doing what they loved to do. also the latest from egypt ahead. tion, for it's smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the busses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution to the earth. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment.
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as we reported at the top of the program, george zimmerman's best friend took the witness stand, testifying as a prosecution evidence. he's the one who apparently convinced zimmerman to purchase a gun. here's part of his testimony. >> it was actually you who assisted him when he decided that he needed a firearm, correct? >> that is correct. >> and did he tell you the reason why he wanted to get a firearm? >> he -- he asked what would -- whether he should or shouldn't to start with. i recommended that he should. anybody that's not a convicted felon should carry a firearm. >> that's sort of your life philosophy. >> that's my opinion, correct. >> being armed is better than not being armed? >> police aren't always there. >> the type of gun that zimmerman purchased is easy to carry and conceal. osterman advised him to always carry it, so zimmerman had it with him the night he encountered trayvon martin.
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david mattingly on what prosecutors may be trying to prove with zimmerman's use of it. >> reporter: listen, if you're following the george zimmerman case, you probably heard this sound before. [ gunfire ] that's the sound of a shot from a keltic pf-9 handgun, just like the one caught on a 911 call the moment george zimmerman killed trayvon martin. >> there's gunshots. >> you just heard gunshots? >> yes. >> reporter: zimmerman carried the gun legally. but prosecutors seem to suggest he was doing more than that. >> it wasn't necessary for the defendant to rack it to load a round. it was ready to go. >> reporter: zimmerman was carrying the gun with the bullet already loaded in the chamber and ready to fire. was this a sign he was planning to do harm when he encountered trayvon martin? gun safety inspector larry holt told me zimmerman was doing exactly what he was supposed to do. was he carrying it properly?
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>> properly if i was ready to defend myself, you bet. >> reporter: holt says this gun is designed strictly for personal protection. one of the cheaper guns on the market selling for between $300 and $400. made to be concealed, carried and ready to shoot. it's called carrying hot. you recommend to your students to carry this one hot? >> absolutely. >> reporter: that's because it comes with a safety feature. an extra long trigger pull that prevents accidental firing. but we also learned watching this trained marksman that's not all it does. >> you missed. >> i know. it's not a real accurate gun. >> reporter: it's only effective in close quarters. something else noted by prosecutors. have you ever heard a prosecutor raise these points before? >> no, i have not. >> reporter: state attorneys could be targeting specific jurors by trying to use the features of zimmerman's own gun against him. >> i think amongst those people familiar with firearms, that
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line of argument would be totally unpersuasive. but to someone unsophisticated in the juice use of firearms, it could be risky. >> reporter: of the six jurors, four have family members that own guns. one used to have a concealed weapons permit. the hand guns are popular in this part of florida. the home office is only about 60 miles away from where george zimmerman used to live. we contacted them for information on the pf-9. they did not reply. david mattingly, cnn, sanford, florida. >> that's one of the things we'll be watching, how the prosecution tries to use those facts. let's get caught up with some of the other stories we're following. susan? >> the obama administration is postponing a key provision of the affordable care act, the requirement that businesses provide workers with health insurance will be delayed by one year. penalties will now begin by 2015. business owners expressed
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concerns about the complexity of the reporting requirement. edward snowden's options for asylum are shrinking. 11 of 21 countries says they can't consider his request until he shows up at one of their embassies or at one of their borders. three have said no outright. bolivia and venezuela have signaled they may give him asylum. and dennis rodman said he deserves a nobel peace prize for his outreach to north korea. rodman met with the dictator early this year during his controversial trip to the country. >> we'll see about that one. thank you very much. coming up, what we learned about the granite mountain hot shot who made it out of the fire alive on sunday. he was the only one on that team to come out. an excruciating experience for him, obviously. also ahead, a loss for one family, robert and grant caldwell were among the hot shots that died. they were cousins, two young men with their whole lives ahead of them. and the latest from egypt ahead.
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in arizona, hundreds of firefighters trying to get control of the deadliest wildfire in the state's history, the one that killed 19 members of the granite mountain hot shots over the weekend. the 8400 acre fire is 0% contained right now. four military flames were flown in to help battle the flames, to drop water and fire retardant. we now know the name of the 20th hot shot who was on the burning mountain sunday, the only one to come out alive. his name is brendan mcdonough. he was serving as a lookout when his teammates were overtaken by the fire.
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so what do we know about brendan? i can't imagine what it's like for him to have survived the loss of 19 of his brothers. >> reporter: yeah, just like you might imagine, anderson, he's having a very, very tough time. he's telling people in his inner circle he's not speaking publicly about this. but on his father's facebook page, he posted the pictures that you're seeing, pictures of his son as a firefighter. his father writing, proud of you, son, glad you're alive. he's telling his friends that he's feeling guilty. he was assigned to a lookout position, separate from the rest of the crew. he was up in a higher position. he was watching the fire. the fire got too close to him. he had to move. he hit what's called a trigger point. as he was moving, he was radioing his crew, and at that point, then he lost contact with his crew. the fire department very clearly stating in a news conference just in the last couple of hours that he did exactly what he was
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supposed to do, that this was a weather event. extraordinary weather that the fire department is talking about that led to the deaths of these 19 firefighters. we spoke with a firefighter who came here to this memorial site. he fought fires with brendan and he says he cannot imagine what this man is going through. here's what he told us. >> it's going to be tough. he lost his crew, you know, and i don't know what to -- i couldn't put myself in his shoes, i couldn't. i couldn't do it. >> reporter: mcdonough did release this statement through his fire department. the fire department saying -- >> reporter: he is telling
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friends, anderson, that this could take weeks, months. he's never going to forget about this. >> forecasters saying that winds could reach 80 miles per hour there. what's the latest on the actual fire? >> reporter: what i can tell you is that it is 0% contained. you can see for yourself, though. thunder clouds are behind me, the winds are very erratic. that's been the biggest problem with fighting this fire, and that's what they're looking at. but something we want to point out, anderson, is that for the very first time in that news conference, they did announce a shift. there's been a tone shift. the firefighters are saying and overnight they're hoping to announce some progress. hoping very soon that they will say that they have made some sort of progress in knocking this fire down. >> let's hope so. we're learning more about the 19 young men who died. brendan's fellow hot shots. the people who knew and loved them and are now mourning them say they wouldn't want to be remembered as victims. they knew the dangers of their job.
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they were heroes every time they faced a fire, and they'll be remembered as hero as they should. one family lost two young men in the fire. gary tuchman now reports. >> reporter: robert caldwell was 23 years old. so proud to be a hot shot fireman. when he died, he was still a newlywed. claire caldwell is now his widow. >> he was an inspiration. he saved my life. he made me want to be a better personal. he was the best person i've ever met in my life. >> reporter: but the family's grief doesn't end there. robert's first cousin, 21-year-old grant, was also killed in the fire. he was engaged to be married. may hoffman is the grandmother of both of the young men. laurie is their aunt. >> it's just really hard. it seems surreal. it seems like they're just going to come back. don't you, mom?
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>> yeah, i just hope that i could wake up and it would be a really bad dream. >> reporter: there's so much pride for what grant and robert did to protect people. their relatives were always concerned when they didn't hear from them for hours on end while fighting fires. but family members knew they were doing what they loved. however, now the pain is so immense. >> i had hoped that both of my boyed hey died from smoke inhalation, because i figured that would knock them out quick and they wouldn't know anything. and then she told me yesterday that -- my daughter, linda, robert's mother, was asked where his dental records were. and i figured if you need dental records, that means -- i guess they were burned. >> we don't know. >> reporter: you should take great comfort in the fact that your grandsons, your nephews,
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died heroes. that will always be their legacy. claire also says robert was her personal hero. >> he was the most beautiful, selfless, caring, selfless, he cared about people, everyone. he was so compassionate. his goal in life was to help people. and we talked about it all the time. we talked about if he died doing this. and he said that's how he wanted to die. >> reporter: claire has a 5-year-old son from before she met robert. she said robert loved him as much as she did. a testimony to the great man he was. >> i don't want anyone to forget him. ever. >> reporter: may hoffman says her husband, the grandpa, died not that long ago. a man her grandsons loved very much. a man who would be beyond proud of both of his grandchildren. >> i like to think that when
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they went to heaven, that he was there to greet them. and i like to think of that, i mean, i just imagine all that stuff, them seeing my mom, my dad, my husband. everybody when we all get to paradise. and i like to think that the boys are already in paradise. >> reporter: claire tells me that she and robert were married in november. they discussed him quitting the hot shots so he could spend more time at home. but she knew this job was so important to him and two weeks ago they went out to dinner together and she looked robert in the eyes and said you don't have to quit. you love this job too much. anderson? >> it's so devastating. you did such a great story of humanizing those two people. we're trying to learn more about the 19 as the days go by. up next, more deadly violence in egypt. tonight, the embattled president is defying the ultimatum issued by the military with the clock ticking down. the latest from cairo, ahead.
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tonight, egypt's embattled president appears ready for a showdown with the military, saying he's willing to shed his own blood. the next 24 hours could be critical. he went on television, defiantly saying he's egypt's legitimate leader, chosen by the people in a free election and won't bow to the military's ultimatum. he called for it to be withdrawn. the military has given him until tomorrow night to make changes in his government that will satisfy opposition demands. our immediate protests today in egypt turned violent. at least 11 people were killed. in alexandria, supporters attacked each other.
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a lot to talk about tonight. bed wedeman is in cairo. i know it's loud where you are. president morsi saying he has a map date and has no intention to leave. that he's willing to shed his own blood. what is the reaction on the ground there? what's going on? >> reporter: the reaction here was very negative. after his speech, we heard a lot of boos. people very unhappy. this was very much a speech to his base, and they will feel very reinvigorated. it's been a rough couple of days for the muslim brotherhood. with these massive protests. but what the faithful in the brotherhood saw is that for the first time in egyptian history, an egyptian president basically standing up against the army, the most powerful institution in
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this country. we don't know how the army is going to act, but it raises the temperature quite a lot. there have been clashes in cairo. seven people dead. this city is bracing for perhaps a very difficult night. anderson? >> ben, who are the people behind you in tahrir square? are they people who didn't vote for morsi the first time? are they people who have become disen chanted with him while he's been in office? what exactly do they want and who are they? >> reporter: it's a mixture of people. let's not forget that 52% of the electorate, those who voted, voted for mohamed morsi in that election. that's why he won. but a lot of people were voting for him because they didn't want to vote for his opponent from the regime of hosni mubarak. others are old regime loyalists. i'll tell you something, there aren't a lot of revolutionaries
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that we saw in this square 2 1/2 years ago. these are people who are disaffected with morsi. they're angry over their falling standards of living, electricity cuts, fuel crisis, the rising crime in the streets of cairo. so it's a real mix of people. but definitely unhappiness is on the rise. one opinion poll published today said that 63% of those polled said they had seen their standard of living fall since president morsi came to power a year ago. >> if the army steps in and forces him from power, what happens then? essentially that's a military coup, isn't it? what would then occur? >> reporter: we shouldn't assume immediately that they would force morsi from power. that's a very delicate act to
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do, given that he was in fact legitimately elected. the worry is how the united states would react if that were the case. so certainly they may come up -- they may fudge a solution where he stays in power but they compel him one way or the other to bring in opposition figures to call for early elections, to redraft the constitution. there's a whole list of things that the army would like him to do, that people here would like him to do, but what we heard tonight in his speech is he's not about to do it. >> how much longer is his term, how much longer is he supposed to serve? >> reporter: he's supposed to serve for three more years. and in his speech this evening, he yet again said i made mistakes and i will try to correct them. he promised to open up a dialogue with the opposition. but those were sort of the side bars of the speech.
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the main part of the speech, addressing his base. as you said, ready to shed his blood to defend the legitimacy of the office he was elected to a year ago. >> the u.s. is calling on morsi and the opposition to resolve this situation politically. does that seem possible at this point? >> reporter: well, you know, the clock is ticking, anderson. it's just about 14 hours until that deadline runs out. what we may be seeing with all this mobilization of both the opposition and the brotherhood supporters is sort of a card game, where they're throwing their cards on the table saying this is what we can mobilize. >> we'll be watching it. ben wedeman, thank you very much. coming up, the "ridicu-list." we'll be right back. hi, buddy! that's why the free wifi and hot breakfast are something to smile about. book a great getaway now and feel the hamptonality
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time nor for the "ridicu-list." tonight, we're adding anyone out
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there who may doubt that cher is awesome. that's right, america, hold on to your wigs, i'm launching a pre-emptive strike against any cher skeptics because she is awesome. not because she's just a global icon that transcends generations and because she's back with a new single. oh, no. she's awesome because she puts up with me and my borderline creepy behavior. i know cher, not in a singing duet of "i got you babe" in her jacuzzi kind of bay, but i do kind of know her. and a few nights ago, she was on bravo "watch what happens live." what can i say. you try keeping a 46-year-old gay man away from cher. >> oh, my gosh, it's our doorbell. come in. it's anderson cooper, everybody. oh, my gosh. >> i literally returned down here. i got off the air at 11:00 and jumped in a car. i have to see cher. >> that's how awesome cher is, i show up, dressed more for a
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katie lang concert than a cher encounter, blathering and she was cool wit. so what did i do? did i calm down and sit there quietly like a normal person? bassing no. >> i watched c-span a lot and used to call in to c-span. the anchor would be on the air and there would be a voice saying okay, we're talking calls. and it would be like, i'm calling from malibu. and they would be like, is this cher? >> yeah. i did my cher impression in front of cher. seriously, i do not know what is wrong with me. but i will say in my own defense who else would have the nerve to do that? certainly not another cher superfan here at cnn who shall remain nameless. wolf blitzer. let it by known that i, anderson cooper, a part-time cher impersonator -- oh, man. man, nobody told me there would be a graphic.
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take that down, please. no, no! no! oh, man! but back to bravo the other night, even my terrible cher impression didn't turn cher against me. she didn't slap me across the face or snap me with her thong. but unfortunately that wasn't my only bizarre moment. >> my mom always wanted a girl, she had four boys. so she always called you her fantasy daughter. so i literally, when i was real young, thinking like, am i related to cher? is cher my sister? >> at that point, cher's security started to talk into their hands and motion toward me. i think she thought i was going to insist she live with me and braid her hair, which cher, if you're watching, i would totally do. so all you doubters out there, take note, please, god, don't show that grapc again. it's not just her talent and
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philanthropy, it's the fact that cher puts up with me, anderson cooper, creepy fan girl. that's what makes her so awesome and puts you on the "ridicu-list," if you're a doubter. that's it for us. thanks for watching. piers morgan starts now.